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After You Have Done All to Stand, Stand.

Challenges in life are not exclusive to a particular group of people; everyone has their share. Yours may be a health crisis, delays in childbearing, marital delay, financial struggles, and many more. Jesus prepared our minds for ups and downs in this world by saying, “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33). Therefore, we do not need to fret but have faith in God.

The good news is, as believers, we have what it takes to handle the challenges and trials of life, but we need to understand the act of spiritual warfare. The forces of darkness are constantly waging war against the people of God to make them lose hope. Nevertheless, once you decide to remain on the Lord’s side, God will equip you for the challenges that will come your way. He will train your hands for war and your fingers for battle.

I must be honest with you; life’s challenges are not meant to be handled lightly. We are meant to face them squarely using all scriptural strategies. As we engage the weapon of spiritual warfare, we are also required to engage the wisdom of God. Any believer who wants to constantly be on the winning side must embrace the full counsel of God in dealing with life’s challenges. This is the holistic approach to confronting challenges and battles of life.

However, if after employing all strategies—that is, the whole armor of God—the situation remains the same, what do we do? The Bible records, “Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness” (Ephesians 6:13-14).

I understand that after doing all that needs to be done and one’s situation remains the same, discouragement often sets in. For instance, if you are trusting God for the fruit of the womb and you have prayed and followed all medical advice, you may become weary. Or if you are trusting God for profitable employment and nothing is working out after sending applications to many places, discouragement can set in.

Let me remind you of the faithfulness of God. He is too faithful to fail. After you have done all to stand, please stand. To stand means to remain unshakeable and immovable in the face of challenges. It means for one’s faith to remain strong in the Lord regardless of the trials of life and whatever delay one may be experiencing. Surely, no one prays for delay. However, the delay you are experiencing after you have done all may be a result of His mercy or for His glory. God sees what we do not see and knows what we do not know. If you are in right standing with God and have taken all the necessary practical steps, I can assure you that God will show up at the right time.

Let me share with you the story of a woman who was trusting God for the fruit of the womb. She did all that needed to be done. She prayed, fasted, and followed medical advice, yet nothing happened. After a few years, she met a man of God who prayed along with her and saw the finger of God behind her situation. The man of God told her, “You are destined to give birth to three children, but there are three elders in your family waiting to kill them one after the other. The Lord is being merciful to you by shutting your womb until He takes care of all three elders.” The year the third wicked elder died, she conceived and gave birth to triplets.

I know waiting is not easy, but why can’t you trust the wisdom of God? He knows the end from the beginning. Indeed, it may seem that He is coming too late, but rest assured, He will arrive at the right time. So, don’t get discouraged. He may choose to delay you if He knows there is danger ahead of you.

Some years ago, Dr. D.K. Olukoya shared the story of a man who had been praying to study abroad. Eventually, the Lord answered his prayer. He packed all his belongings and was heading to his school via a connecting flight. At the transit point, he got arrested for an offense he knew nothing about. As a result, he couldn’t connect with his scheduled flight. After a couple of hours, they received news that the flight had crashed and everyone on board had died. The man was released when it was realized he wasn’t the offender. God decided to save his life by permitting that incident.

I may not know your predicament, but I can assure you that all things will work together for your good. After you have done all, look up to God, the author and the finisher of our faith. He is working behind the scenes. At the right time, He will do something that will blow your mind. So, my beloved brothers and sisters, stand firm in faith, hold on to God’s Word, and you will not be disappointed.

While waiting, many believers find solace in prophecy. There is nothing wrong with that; prophecies give us hope in the midst of trials. However, I encourage you to trust God more than you trust prophecies. Prophecies can change, but God cannot. For instance, if you are trusting God for a future partner and a word of prophecy comes about the person God is bringing your way, that indeed is something to hold on to. But what happens if you meet the person, and you can’t reach a conclusion that will lead to marriage? Does that mean God is unfaithful, or He will not provide another person for you? God will definitely make a way. So, don’t feel discouraged when it seems prophecies are failing. The only One who cannot fail is God, and that is why you have to hold on to Him. Remember, the Bible says, “The LORD is good, A stronghold in the day of trouble; And He knows those who trust in Him” (Nahum 1:7).

Therefore, beloved, you should learn how to trust God more than anything else, including dreams, revelations, and prophecies. Most importantly, put your trust in Him and not in whatever you are expecting. His promises concerning you will come to pass; just trust His wisdom. The route He told you initially may change, the strategy may change, but His counsel concerning you will stand as long as you hold on to Him.


Are you in a situation where you have done all you can to stand, yet nothing seems to be working? Let me share a few tips that will help you in this challenging time:

  1. SERVE GOD AS IF YOUR PROBLEMS DO NOT EXIST: God is faithful in all situations. When you serve Him as if your problems do not exist, you will provoke His mercy. Remember that “He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6). The Bible also reminds us, “For God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love which you have shown toward His name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister” (Hebrews 6:10). In hard times, serve God wholeheartedly and look to Him alone for your reward. In no time, He will take care of your challenges. Gardiner Spring observed, “Serve God, and God will take care of you. Submit to His will, trust in His grace, and resign yourself into His hands with the assurance that the Lord is well pleased with those that hope in His mercy.”
  2. GET CLOSER TO GOD AND CRY FOR HIS MERCY: Never allow your problems to create a gap between you and God. Instead, let your problems draw you closer to Him. When you move closer to God and cry for His mercy, He will show up in your situation beyond your imagination.
  3. SHIFT YOUR FOCUS FROM YOUR PROBLEMS TO YOUR PURPOSE: Nothing brings peace during adversity like staying in the place of purpose. Rick Warren, the author of The Purpose Driven Life, stated, “If you have felt hopeless, hold on! Wonderful changes are going to happen in your life as you begin to live it on purpose.” Focusing on your purpose will bring God into your situation faster than expected. So, don’t let the enemy deceive and rob you of your blessings. In your place of purpose, you will find almost everything you are looking for. Therefore, cultivate the habit of living a purpose-driven life.
  4. DRAW STRENGTH FROM THOSE WHO HAVE OBTAINED THE PROMISES THROUGH FAITH AND PATIENCE: The Bible records, “And we desire that each one of you show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope until the end, that you do not become sluggish, but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises” (Hebrews 6:11-12). There is nothing you are going through that someone else hasn’t gone through before. Listen to the testimonies of those who have faced similar challenges and, through faith and patience, obtained the promises. Do not imitate those who couldn’t wait on God. Their testimonies of those who obtained good reports will give you the strength to weather your own challenges.
  5. ASSOCIATE WITH THOSE WHO WILL STRENGTHEN YOUR FAITH: The Bible says, “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10). The associations you keep during hard times will have a significant impact on your life. Look for those whose words will strengthen your faith and who can join you in prayer, not those who will talk you down and make you feel forsaken by God.
  6. DO WHAT ABRAHAM DID: The Bible records, “And not being weak in faith, he did not consider his own body, already dead (since he was about a hundred years old), and the deadness of Sarah’s womb. He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God” (Romans 4:19-20). Cast your cares upon the Lord and give Him quality praise and worship. It may not be easy, but be intentional about it. Praises will invite God into your situation to do the impossible.
  7. NEVER LOOK FOR A SHORTCUT, BUT TRUST THE LEADING OF THE LORD: The temptation to look for shortcuts always increases in the midst of challenges, but you must resist it vehemently. American author Seth Godin observed, “Those who spend the most effort in search of shortcuts are often the most disappointed and the least successful.” Shortcuts will get you to a place you never intended much quicker, but they will never get you to your intended destination. Therefore, trust the leading of the Lord. God is the compass you need to navigate this perplexing world.
  8. DO NOT RESIGN YOURSELF TO FATE; KEEP ASKING UNTIL YOUR JOY IS FULL: This is extremely important. Don’t give up. Keep asking until your joy is full. Ensure your prayer altar is on fire for the Lord, and you will be surprised by the amazing things God will do in your life.

In conclusion, challenges and trials in life are not exclusive to any particular group of people. So, don’t think your situation is unique to you. Have faith in God. Remember the words of Mother Teresa, “Faith keeps the person who keeps the faith.” While you hold on to God, take up the whole armor of God and take all the necessary and godly practical steps. After you have done everything to stand, stand firm. God is not unjust to forget your labor of love. Stand, and you will see the salvation of the Lord.

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