The Believer / Wisdom

Ask, Seek, and Knock

T.S. Eliot once said, “If you don’t have the strength to impose your own terms upon life, then you must accept the terms it offers you.” I strongly believe in this statement. Many people lack the strength to impose their terms upon life, so they accept whatever life throws at them. Let me be honest with you—that is not how the Lord wants us to live. The Bible says, “You are gods” (Psalm 82:6), because God has given us the ability to impose our terms upon life as His children, who understand His mind and are called to establish divine dominion on earth.

However, I must tell you this: the journey of imposing your terms upon life as a child of God starts with giving your heart to God and delighting yourself in the Lord. When you give your heart to God and delight in Him, He works within you, creating beautiful desires in your heart. Don’t forget that the Bible says, “My son, give me your heart, and let your eyes observe my ways” (Proverbs 23:26). It also says, “Delight yourself also in the LORD, and He shall give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4). But the fact remains that many of your desires may not come to pass until you muster the strength to impose your own terms upon life.

I have seen countless believers whose beautiful desires never came to pass. After a series of prayers, they gave in to fate, claiming it might be God’s will for them. Logically, they may seem correct, but spiritually, this is not 100% true. Where you are supposed to take a stand and exercise your faith, if you accept defeat as God’s will, God will not argue with you. However, you will have denied yourself your rightful blessings in Christ because you lacked the strength to stand firm and impose your terms upon life.

The devil is constantly opposing the great plans the Lord has for His people. He may orchestrate several failures to discourage you from reaching what God has in store for you. If you lack the strength, you might give up, thinking it’s not God’s will for you. Listen, you need to muster the strength to trample upon failure. The number of times you have failed is irrelevant—reach out and possess what the Lord wants for you. Remember, the Bible says, “Do not rejoice over me, my enemy; when I fall, I will arise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD will be a light to me” (Micah 7:8). This verse tells us not to give in to failure but to keep pressing until the Lord grants us the desires of our hearts in alignment with His will.

Now, let me share with you three important keys to accessing heaven’s treasures and imposing your own terms upon life. These keys are boosters of spiritual strength that will enable you to defeat the devil at any time. They are found in Matthew 7:7: “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” I am referring to the keys of asking, seeking, and knocking.

Asking refers to supplication, something many of us are familiar with. But let me remind you, prayer is a powerful key to imposing your terms upon life. Those who know how to use it do not give in to the devil’s tactics. They stand firm against whatever the devil throws at them, mustering the strength to see their desires come to pass. Elijah was a man of prayer who prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months (James 5:17). Yet, in 1 Kings 18:43-44, Elijah bowed to the ground, placed his face between his knees, and sent his servant to look toward the sea. Though the servant saw nothing the first six times, Elijah didn’t give up. After the seventh time, the servant noticed a small cloud rising from the sea. If Elijah had given up after the sixth time, he would have been defeated. Those who understand the power of prayer don’t stop asking until their desires are granted. They don’t allow discouragement to rob them of their blessings. Beloved, no matter how long it takes, keep praying until your joy is full.

The second key is “seeking,” and it is one of the most underutilized keys among believers. While the effective, fervent prayer of a righteous person avails much, seeking and researching solutions to problems is also scriptural. The Bible says, “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter” (Proverbs 25:2). If you are not the type who seeks godly solutions to problems, you cannot rise above certain levels or impose your own terms upon life. God, in His wisdom, conceals matters, but it is our responsibility to search them out. When we take on this responsibility, His glory will be revealed through us. If something appears mysterious to you, walk with the Holy Spirit in searching and unraveling it. As soon as you set out to seek solutions with the right and godly approach, God will open your eyes to the answers.

Many of us get worried about problems instead of searching for solutions. Finding solutions requires a structured approach that combines critical thinking, creativity, and persistence. It also involves asking pertinent questions, not out of worry, but to gain a clear understanding of the issue.

Many people move from one struggle to another because they fail to seek solutions that address the root of their problems. Think of every problem like a tree—if all you do is cut the leaves, the problem will keep reoccurring. Only by addressing the root can you find a permanent solution. Many problems are foundational, and until you address the root cause through deliverance, no matter how far you progress, the problem may resurface. When it reappears and you are not fully prepared, it can be even more dangerous.

You need to walk with the Holy Spirit to search for details about yourself, your family, career, business, purpose, and other important areas of life. As you do this, the devil will no longer be able to exploit your ignorance.

I can tell you for sure that if you are not diligent in searching for solutions, you will pay for what you don’t owe, as the devil will prey on your ignorance. Many so-called problems arise from ignorance. As Bishop David Oyedepo often says, “Every man’s mountain is his ignorance,” and this is 100% true. Much of what you are searching for isn’t far from you, but the lack of diligent pursuit keeps you from finding it. In your search for solutions, you must equip yourself with the right knowledge. When you do, every mountain before you will become a plain.

The third key in Matthew 7:7 is “knock.” This key is essential because it requires taking practical steps toward realizing your desires. Let me explain: if you’re outside a building and simply shouting, “Open this door for me,” without knocking, the people inside might not fully recognize your intention to enter. Knocking, or pressing the bell, demonstrates your seriousness and commitment to accessing the building. Likewise, knocking spiritually means moving closer to the opportunities you’re trusting God for and taking practical and godly steps to embrace them.


Years ago, while trusting God for career growth, I sought to volunteer with a reputable professional association. Although it seemed impossible to secure the position, I continued praying and took a bold step by contacting the director. Initially, I was told they didn’t need volunteers, but I didn’t give up because I knew I needed that experience. Six months later, I followed up, and they brought me on board. If you fail to take action and knock on doors of opportunity, you may miss out.

The devil has kept many from their desired breakthroughs by making them believe the doors in front of them are closed. Don’t be deceived—many of these so-called closed doors aren’t locked; they’re simply closed to keep out the uninterested. Move closer to the doors you desire, turn the handle, and you’ll be amazed to find them open. Constant, godly, and practical efforts are necessary for getting what you want in life. If you don’t take action, life will offer you what you don’t desire, and you will have no choice but to accept it.

Those who impose their terms upon life are those who understand how to use the three keys I just mentioned. In synergy, these keys make you undefeatable in life’s journey.

In conclusion, if you don’t want life to impose its terms on you, you must have the strength to impose your own terms by continually asking in prayer, seeking solutions, and knocking on the doors of opportunity with extra effort and decisive action. Be an ardent prayer warrior, diligent in seeking solutions, and bold in taking action. Stay resolute about your desires, ensuring they align with God’s will for you. However, living this kind of life requires patience. If you are anxious or impatient, you may settle for less than God’s best for you. Abraham opted for Ishmael due to impatience, but the promised child, Isaac, came through patience. Emulate those who, through faith and patience, obtained the promises. As you practice these principles, you will be strengthened to impose your own terms upon life..

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